Source code for sksurgerysurfacematch.pipelines.register_cloud_to_stereo_reconstruction

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

""" Pipeline to register 3D point cloud to 2D stereo video """

from typing import Tuple
import numpy as np
import sksurgerypclpython as pclp
import sksurgerysurfacematch.utils.registration_utils as ru
import sksurgerysurfacematch.interfaces.video_segmentor as vs
import sksurgerysurfacematch.interfaces.stereo_reconstructor as sr
import sksurgerysurfacematch.interfaces.rigid_registration as rr

# pylint:disable=too-many-instance-attributes, too-many-arguments

[docs]class Register3DToStereoVideo: """ Class for single-shot, registration of 3D point cloud to stereo video. Uses Dependency Injection for each pluggable component. :param video_segmentor: Optional class to pre-segment the video. :param surface_reconstructor: Mandatory class to do reconstruction. :param rigid_registration: Mandatory class to perform rigid alignment. :param left_camera_matrix: [3x3] camera matrix. :param right_camera_matrix: [3x3] camera matrix. :param left_to_right_rmat: [3x3] left-to-right rotation matrix. :param left_to_right_tvec: [1x3] left-to-right translation vector. :param left_mask: a static mask to apply to stereo reconstruction. :param z_range: [min range, max range] to limit reconstructed points. :param radius_removal: [radius, number] to reject points with too few \ neighbours :param voxel_reduction: [vx, vy, vz] parameters for PCL \ Voxel Grid reduction. """ def __init__(self, video_segmentor: vs.VideoSegmentor, surface_reconstructor: sr.StereoReconstructor, rigid_registration: rr.RigidRegistration, left_camera_matrix: np.ndarray, right_camera_matrix: np.ndarray, left_to_right_rmat: np.ndarray, left_to_right_tvec: np.ndarray, left_mask: np.ndarray = None, z_range: list = None, radius_removal: list = None, voxel_reduction: list = None ): self.video_segmentor = video_segmentor self.surface_reconstructor = surface_reconstructor self.rigid_registration = rigid_registration self.left_camera_matrix = left_camera_matrix self.right_camera_matrix = right_camera_matrix self.left_to_right_rmat = left_to_right_rmat self.left_to_right_tvec = left_to_right_tvec self.left_static_mask = left_mask self.z_range = z_range self.radius_removal = radius_removal self.voxel_reduction = voxel_reduction
[docs] def register(self, reference_cloud: np.ndarray, left_image: np.ndarray, right_image: np.ndarray, initial_ref2recon: np.ndarray = None ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ Main method to do a single 3D cloud to 2D stereo video registration. Camera calibration parameters are in OpenCV format. :param reference_cloud: [Nx3] points, each row, x,y,z, e.g. from CT/MR. :param left_image: undistorted, BGR image :param right_image: undistorted, BGR image :param initial_ref2recon: [4x4] of initial rigid transform. :return: residual, [4x4] transform, of reference_cloud to left camera \ space, [Mx3] downsampled xyz points and [Mx6] reconstructed point \ cloud, as [x, y, z, r, g, b] rows. """ left_mask = None if self.left_static_mask is not None: left_mask = self.left_static_mask if self.video_segmentor is not None: dynamic_mask = self.video_segmentor.segment(left_image) if left_mask is None: left_mask = dynamic_mask else: left_mask = np.bitwise_and(left_mask, dynamic_mask) if left_mask is None: left_mask = np.ones((left_image.shape[0], left_image.shape[1])) * 255 full_reconstruction = \ self.surface_reconstructor.reconstruct(left_image, self.left_camera_matrix, right_image, self.right_camera_matrix, self.left_to_right_rmat, self.left_to_right_tvec, left_mask ) recon_xyz = full_reconstruction[:, 0:3] if self.z_range is not None: recon_xyz = pclp.pass_through_filter(recon_xyz, 'z', self.z_range[0], self.z_range[1], True) if self.voxel_reduction is not None: recon_xyz = \ pclp.down_sample_points( recon_xyz, self.voxel_reduction[0], self.voxel_reduction[1], self.voxel_reduction[2]) if self.radius_removal is not None: recon_xyz = \ pclp.radius_removal_filter(recon_xyz, self.radius_removal[0], self.radius_removal[1]) residual, transform = ru.do_rigid_registration(recon_xyz, reference_cloud, self.rigid_registration, initial_ref2recon) return residual, transform, recon_xyz, full_reconstruction